Thursday, January 30, 2014


Typically my days are fairly scheduled but last Monday was an exception.  With hopes of getting ahead of some learning material I was working through someone was in the front office for me.  It was Bobby and he was back in Brandon after living up north for about 10 months.

Bobby lived in Uturn for about 5 months. A very, very smiley young guy, he would often grin and nervously chuckle when he talked about hopes, frustrations, anxieties and troubling past experiences.  It always felt dissonant, like strumming a G chord when two strings are hopelessly out of tune.  He disclosed a variety of things to me, things he really hadn't let anyone else hear before.  We all want stories to share, but not these stories.  Bobby feels he has a dark cloud hanging over him, one that continually rains misfortune, missed opportunities and snake eyes.  He has a very deep, almost wired in sense that he is undeserving of anything good in his life which makes that dark cloud inundate his body and soul.

One day Bobby disappeared.  We knew that he had multiple offerings to go live with family up north and the assumption was that he finally jumped the bus and made the trek.  And now, almost a year later, he was back.

Bobby had walked that morning from his cousins place.  He had been walking around since 7:45 that morning looking for an apartment.  It was about 10:00 and it was one of the many, many freezing cold January days that we've become familiar with.  Bobby was shivering and had trouble enunciating words with his frozen face.  As we chatted the details of the latest trip gone bad came out...

Bobby has family in Manitoba and Brandon and for weeks they strongly encouraged him to come and visit for Christmas and move back to Brandon.  Since his job wasn't providing enough hours up north he thought a change might do him good.  He moved in with his brother and girlfriend and after only a couple days of searching landed a job.  Plus at New Year's his girlfriend surprised him by coming to visit and stay in Brandon as well.  They were going to try to do this all together and since there was a pregnancy involved, Bobby felt an even more urgent need to be stable and providing.  Things were feeling like they were moving in a good direction.

Then one morning while Bobby was making coffee in his brother's house he was told that he should leave.  Bobby's brother's girlfriend didn't like the fact that Bobby had his girlfriend stay overnight so she figured that he should move out.  6:00am on a frigid January morning seemed like a perfect time to her.

Bobby quickly packed his clothes in two garbage bags and threw them in a snow bank.  He and his girlfriend walked to her dad's place where she was staying and for a couple of nights he stayed there.  But with a full house and no money, this inn wasn't taking kindly to another person on the floor looking for food that wasn't there so Bobby was asked to find somewhere else to stay.  After a night walking around Brandon, ducking into ATM bank doors here and there to keep from freezing he found a cousin to stay with.  That was definitely a temporary solution and now he wasn't sure what to do.  Incidentally his family stopped answering  his messages after their insisting that he come "back down south".

We jumped in my truck and went and grabbed his clothes from the from yard of his brother's place.  Knocks on the front door went unanswered so Bobby couldn't grab the big bag of dirty laundry and his personal hygiene items left inside.  We hit a local restaurant with a great breakfast before buying some shampoo, deodorant and a toothbrush.  We started driving around Brandon, knocking on doors of family of Bobby's seeing if he could crash there for a couple of days but luck didn't cooperate.  He was worried about his job because he had only been there for a week and he had called in to let them know he wasn't going to be in that day.  He hadn't showered in 5 days and just didn't feel comfortable being with people plus the stress of not knowing where he was going to sleep was making it hard to concentrate on work.

There are so many more details to Bobby that I won't and can't share here.  In the end we managed to secure an Emergency Shelter  for him (essentially a hotel sized room to call "home" for 21 days or less).  I found out later that for a variety of reasons, Bobby decided not to stay and I haven't seen him since. I hope he's warm and has had some food in his belly and managed to keep his job.

Later that day I was sitting with my wife in my warm and comfortable house chatting about the day's events.  We talked about how no one we know has ever, ever experienced what Bobby was experiencing (outside of my Uturn peeps).  Bobby could like point to a dozen friends, cousins, uncles that knew his current routine all too well.  We were sobered with our affluence, with our broad security net of people in our lives.  Yes, some of that we worked hard to accomplish but more than we likely wanted to admit we were simply born into it.  The number of strong, capable people willing to sacrifice and advocate for Bobby all through his life was sparse.

I've re-written the ending to this about half a dozen times, finding there is no good ending.  How fitting is that?  When we resonate with people we can end up absorbing some of their emotional experiences.  I think that's happened with me and Bobby.  What's next, how's this going to work out, what if he can't find a good place, what if he loses his job?  What if, what if, what if?

And yet, we hold out hope that the dark cloud will break just enough that one small piece will fall into place and that will bring a different perspective on the puzzle that brings additional hope.  "Oh look, look, look!  I get it now!"

Gotta hope folks.  Gotta hope.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Push The Panic Button

Steve is starting a job on Friday.  This won't be Steve's first job and it likely won't be his last.  Scratch that, it WON'T be his last.  Fast food is not the career any young man locks himself into for life.

Steve has raging anxiety. He fears he is being judged by people he doesn't know, people he first meets.  He believes that they think he's a lousy individual.  This fear is so incredibly powerful that it washes over him with what Steve describes as "an imminent sense of doom."  These panic attacks keep him from leaving his Uturn apartment at times, sometimes lasting for an hour or more.

Steve is a persistent young man who, when he gets a bee in his bonnet, can be like a hungry dog with a bone that has just enough meat still hanging on.  I've seen him get incensed at businesses and people and I've seen him lobby for change.  He can be extremely assertive (trust me on this) and he has the ability to push you until you consider saying "uncle."  He has a sharp and, at times, a very stinging sense of humor.

And Steve has raging anxiety.

Anxiety is a fascinating thing.  Without getting too much into it, anxiety is self-preservation gone awry.  "Things are really unsafe out there, friend.  Be alert, alert, ALERT! If you don't then things can go very, very bad.  So be ALERT!"  Anxiety is stress on speed.  Stress can be a very good friend of ours.  It can heighten our senses, help us be sharper when we need to be, help us not forget important items or details.  Anxiety takes that to an extreme level.  Quick reminder, all of mental illness is an extreme of normal experience.  It's not a foreign experience to the human condition, simply extreme.

Anyway, back to my friend and yours, anxiety.  Anxiety is trying desperately to keep a system safe, to keep one alive even if it is at the cost of relationships, situations, experiences.  Our body is trying to keep us safe at all costs and anxiety turns up our senses to "11" when the capacitor only goes to "10" (isn't that some sort of reference from the movie Spinal Tap?).  Sights, sounds, smells, touch, sensations, thoughts, feelings are felt at such an extreme level as to keep us on our toes and to keep us... safe.  Panic attacks can sometimes be outside of typical experience for people, the result of significant stress when the body says, "time to take a step back, son."

People and relationships are dangerous, man.  If you really think about it allowing yourself to love and be loved puts you at fantastic risk.  You can't control the person you're giving your heart and allowing you to peek into your soul.  Do you know what they could do to you? You trust because, well for lots of reasons really.  If you can do the aforementioned then you've learned that, as a rule of thumb, people are good (or good enough) and  have shown that they will honor you and that delicate (oh so delicate) heart of yours.

So what has happened to a soul that, as a default, believes (with sincerity and desperation) that people think you're worthless?  Caregivers have likely failed in creating a secure attachment, a safe home base that has allowed the soul to feel protected, safe and a place to shed tears of sadness and to be vulnerable.  But that's just a wondering...

So the body says, "NEVER AGAIN"!  When I am going to meet new people I get a little nervous, a little stressed.  When Steve meets new people he wonders how awful they think he will be.  His body says, "Shields Up", enter anxiety and panic attacks.

Steve is going to start his new job on Friday and he's not sure how to manage his anxiety outside of "it just needs to be different."

If you're the praying type, would you make a small offering for Steve?  Cross your chest, get on yer knees, write it on paper or your heart, whatever method feels like it resonates with you.  Steve needs 'em.

'Course, don't we all?